
Shared Mission of Improving Global Health

This collaboration is part of Rehab Essentials’ goal of improving global health and standards. Providing access to continuing education and advanced degrees for providers is a crucial step to improving societal health. With this endeavor, we hope to continue to improve the ability and accessibility of quality healthcare globally. As a benefit, this curriculum would educate and empower physiotherapists based in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, or Sudan to pursue independent practices as a means of growing the profession.

Solution Detail Image

A Post Professional DPT Designed for Working Physiotherapists

How to Apply

Offered by University of Montana in collaboration with Rehab Essentials and GES.  Please complete the online application using the Apply Now at umt.rehabessentials.com.  Then send any questions and all admission requirements to GES via the contact below. For any questions regarding the admission process and the program for physiotherapists residing in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine or Sudan, visit https://globaleducationservice.us or contact:


Global Education Service (GES)

Fifth Area Sheraton Helioplis Cairo, Egypt


WhatsApp: +201027743702


Review Requirements

Contact Us
