
Management of Patients with Integumentary Disorders

Joseph McCulloch, PT, PhD

Course Description

This course is a general foundation in examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, interventions and outcomes for persons with various types of wounds will be provided.  This course will explore the therapist’s role in the management of patients with integumentary conditions. A general foundation in examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, interventions and outcomes for persons with various types of wounds will be provided. Application of specific tests and measures their reliability and validity, and efficacy of treatment interventions will be covered. Wound risk factor reduction will be examined. Clinical reasoning and decision making will be fostered through multiple case studies.

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  • Summarize the physical therapist’s role and responsibilities associated with patients who have integumentary conditions or are at risk for integumentary disruption.
  • Describe the function of the skin and its various appendages.
  • Differentiate the phases of wound healing.
  • Relate the clinical significance of factors that affect healing and employ strategies to facilitate professional communication between therapist and other members of the healthcare team regarding identified factors (i.e. nutrition, impaired mobility)
  • Differentiate the various types of wounds using valid, reliable tests and measures (vascular, neuropathic, pressure, burn, traumatic)
  • Categorize risk factors associated with pressure ulcer formation and strategies to prevent pressure ulcer formation
  • Explain and examine a wound by objective and subjective methods including the signs and symptoms of infection.
  • Identify wound care techniques, including types of debridement, and dressings available by wound type.
  • Identify appropriate guidelines for using: wet to moist dressings, topical agents, sharp debridement, forceful irrigation, whirlpool, pulsatile lavage, enzymatic and autolytic debridement and other physical agents and mechanical modalities
  • Compare and contrast the properties, advantages, disadvantages, indications and contraindications for various dressings available for wound care interventions based on wound etiology and/or presentation.

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