
Pharmacology in Rehabilitation

Charles Ciccone, PT, PhD, FAPTA


Course Description

This course will provide a general understanding of the primary drug classes and the physiologic basis of their action. Drugs will be grouped according to their general effects and the type of disorders they are routinely used to treat. Special emphasis will be placed on drugs that are commonly used to treat people receiving physical therapy. This course will likewise address how drug therapy interacts with physical therapy, and how drugs can exert beneficial effects as well as adverse side effects that impact on rehabilitation.

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  • Integrate pharmacokinetic principles with pharmacodynamics, and judge how drug effects are influenced by their administration, absorption, distribution, storage, and metabolism in the human body.
  • Compare and contrast general categories of drugs that are used therapeutically to treat specific problems in the body.
  • Compare and contrast the physiological mechanisms by which individual drugs affect the different organ systems in the body.
  • Evaluate drug side effects, and differentiate these side effects from the symptoms of the patient’s disease(s).
  • Assess situations where drug levels are too high versus too low (i.e., increased drug toxicity versus decreased efficacy).
  • Judge the potential for harmful interactions between specific drugs and various physical therapy interventions.
  • Choose physical therapy interventions in accordance with the patient’s drug regimen.

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